5 steps for setting goals you can achieve

The new year is here and you have goals you want to achieve, so in today’s blog I am sharing 5 steps to help you set goals that are attainable and action-oriented.

1️⃣Decide your outcome goal. For example, ‘get more activity each day.’

2️⃣Ask yourself why this goal is important for you. Write down all the reasons why this is important to you. Here are some examples: “I sit a lot during work,” “It would make me feel more energized,” “It would help my overall mood and health,” “It may help with my lower back pain.” There is no wrong answer here.

3️⃣Create a list of behaviors that will help you reach that outcome goal (how can you get more activity each day?). Brainstorm all of the different ways this goal can be achieved. For example, you can go for a 10 minute walk after meals, set an alarm every hour and stand/stretch/walk for 5 min, add a 30 minute workout 3x/week to your routine. The list is endless here. Write everything down.

4️⃣& 5️⃣. Based on the list you created of behaviors you can add, choose 1 to 3 to focus on, selecting the ones you feel most confident about. Ask yourself, “On a scale from 0-10, how confident do I feel about going on a 10 minute walk after every meal?” If your answer is a 9-10, that’s great—add it to your routine. If it’s a 5, break the goal down and simplify it until it’s a 9-10.

One way to simplify it can look like this: maybe a walk after every meal is too much, but what about a walk after lunch to start? Is that doable for you? What is your confidence level now?

Is a 30 min workout 3x/week too much for you? What about a 15 minute workout, 2x/week? How confident do you feel about that?
Breaking down your goals into behaviors that you feel confident about will help you reach your goals in a way that is realistic. It’s all about creating habits that are going to last and impact your life in a positive way.
What is a goal of yours this coming year? Share in the comments below.
#goalsetting #goals #2022goals #behavioralgoals