Balance during pregnancy

Balance during pregnancy gets challenged the further along you are. As your belly grows your bodies center of gravity shifts. The increase of the hormone relaxin also reduces stability which means your body requires a little more attention when it comes to your daily activities. ⠀ ⠀

Here are some things you can do:

  1. Limit activities that put you at a high risk for falls (road cycling, skiing, skating, etc)⠀

  2. Connect to your core through breathing. The core is our primary body stabilizer. As your belly grows your weight will be shifted forward increasing instability. It’s important to stay connected through diaphragmatic breathing, TVA activations and pelvic floor contractions. ⠀

  3. Lastly, practice safe balance exercises. This can include standing/seated leg marches and single leg exercises while being nearby a wall or bar for support. In addition, strength training can be key to help you adjust and support your growing belly and changing body.

    I want hear from you, did you/do you feel any difference in your balance/stability during pregnancy? let me know in the comment can below. ⠀ ⠀