5 Tips For Working Out At HOME

Working out from home has become more popular than ever before. It is convenient and a perfect solution for busy parents caring for little ones. In today’s blog, I am sharing 5 tips that help me make the most out of my at home workouts.

5 Tips to Consider

  1. Keep your equipment minimal. We often think that we need an entire home gym with all the bells and whistles to get started, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sticking with the basics (dumbbells, yoga mat, and bands) will not only save you money, but also time in having to come up with workouts. Check out my equipment list to see what I use and get some ideas.

  2. Schedule a designated workout time. It can be difficult feeling motivated to workout when doing it from home, which is why scheduling a time can be helpful.

  3. Create a space that inspires you. Whether that is the outdoors, your favorite corner of the house or inspirational quotes. Create something that inspires you to move your body.

  4. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. There will never be one. The truth is there will always be something else on your to do list. Find the reason why you want to begin working out and remind yourself of that. Prioritize yourself. It is for you.

  5. Switch it up and keep fresh and fun. Doing the same routine over and over again can get boring so don’t be afraid to switch it up. Try some online workouts, pick up equipment you don’t usually go for or take it outdoors. This will keep your muscles guessing and you will continue to feel motivated and challenged.

Tell me what are some of your favorite tips for working out at home?

Looking to switch up your workout routine? Join our online workouts every Tuesday + Thursday at 5:30 pm MST!

XO, Leslie