How to connect to your deep core - TVA Cues

The TVA is the deepest abdominal muscles that wraps around your abdominal cavity. It works together and contracts simatanously with your pelvic floor (or at least that’s what we want it to do).
You might be familiar with “suck in your belly button to spine” cue from fitness professionals. And although this cue does help engage the abdominal muscles it can also cause you to simply suck your belly button in creating down/upward pressure in your abdomen/pelvic floor (imagine squeezing a ballon in the middle).
When working on properly engaging your deep core, here are some cues you can follow.
1️⃣ Take a diaphragmatic breath in, and as you exhale, imagine your hip bones coming in towards one another.
2️⃣ Make an audible exhale. Try making an Sssss sound or imagine blowing through a straw when exhaling
3️⃣ Inhale, breathe into the belly, and relax the pelvic floor. When exhaling, slightly squeeze and lift the pelvic floor.
4️⃣ When exhaling, think of a big hug wrapping around your entire belly. Up, low, mid, side and back body.
Tell me, which one helps you connect best. 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ ❓Or comment your favorite cue below 👇🏼

Do you need help connecting to your deep abdominals during pregnancy or postpartum? Schedule a free 20 minute consultation to see how I can help.