How to get a workout in with kids

A solo child-free workout is a parent’s dream. It’s something I aim for myself and encourage others do as well, but sometimes when life gets crazy and that is not possible, there are some ways you can still make it happen.

👉🏼Nap time = you time. I know it’s tempting to clean the dishes or pick up around the house but truth is you’re probably already doing that while the kids are up anyways, so instead take this time to focus on you. 

👉🏼Keep it short, 10 minutes is better than no minutes. An all or nothing approach will actually keep you from starting, so aim for short workouts instead. Consistency is key. 

👉🏼Playtime = workout time. Take advantage of downtime when your kids do some solo play. This may look different depending on your kiddos age but take notice of when your kid is usually entertained and turn those times into your workout time. 

👉🏼Involve your little ones, take evening family walks or bike rides with the kiddos. This is a great opportunity to get your body moving and also have your kids learn from you about the importance of exercise and healthy living. 

I would love to hear about how you manage to get your workouts in. Comment below!