Cues to help you with diaphragmatic breathing

Do you have a difficult time grasping the idea of diaphragmatic breathing? Check out these 3 cues to help you begin today.

1️⃣Find your ribs. Place hands on your ribs, take a deep breath in to your belly and feel your ribs laterally raising as you inhale, and coming back down as you exhale.

2️⃣Imagine a 360 breath, think of your torso as a big circle breathing into belly, ribs and back as you take a breath in.

3️⃣Visualize your belly rising with every inhale and gently descending with the exhale.

👋🏼New to diaphragmatic breathing?
Start on your back, laying down. This position is the easiest to allow the diaphragm to do its thing without letting the shoulders and chest dominate.

✳️Not sure if you’re doing it correctly? Do a quick self test. Go ahead and take a few deep breaths in and notice where you feel the most movement. Is it chest and shoulders? Or belly and ribs? If your answer is belly and ribs you’re already on your way.