Postpartum Exercise, When Can I return?

I went for my first walk around my neighborhood at 4 weeks postpartum. This was the first time I was able to do so free of pain and without feeling extremely exhausted

We often have this idea that 6 weeks postpartum is the magical time where everything is gonna be back to “normal” and when you can return to running, your zumba class, kickboxing, or your old workout routine. 

This is not so.

It takes the body approximately 6 weeks from giving birth for the uterus to contract back to it’s original size, for organs to return to their original place and for your body to heal from the trauma childbirth takes on the body. 

But the doctor said “I was cleared to exercise”.

Yes, that is typically the time when your doctor might clear you for physical activity, but what many doctors fail to do is give proper guidance on what that looks like.

What “you’re cleared to exercise” means is that your body has done some natural internal healing from childbirth and that you can now start practicing gentle & rhythmic movement. This includes exercises such as pelvic floor activations, deep abdominal breathing, balance training, recovery moves such as heel slides, glute bridges, and leg marches.

All moves to encourage the healing process, to help you reconnect and support your body for every day task. The goal during this time is to begin strengthening your body from the inside out to help you reduce common postpartum conditions such as incontinence, back pain, pelvic pain, and diastasis recti.

Connecting with a fitness professional who specializes in pregnancy and postpartum or setting up an evaluation from a pelvic floor physical therapist can be one of the best things you can do to get the proper guidance toward optimal healing.

For examples of exercises you can do checkout this previous blog post.