How much exercise do I need during pregnancy?⠀

Ideally, pregnant people should get at least 150 minutes (2.5 hr) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. This means moving your body in a way that will get you breaking a sweat and your heart rate up. You should be able to talk normally, but not be able to sing. ⠀

The 150 minutes can be achieve in 30-minute workouts 5 days a week or into smaller 10-minute workouts throughout each day.⠀

Now if you are new to exercise, it’s adviced that you start out slowly and gradually increase your activity. Begin with as little as 5 minutes a day and add 5 minutes each week until you can stay active for 30 minutes a day.⠀

Here are some exercise ideas:⠀
👉🏼Stationary Cycling ⠀
👉🏼Prenatal yoga ⠀
👉🏼Water Aerobics ⠀
👉🏼 Strength Training ⠀

What was/is your go to exercise during pregnancy?