Should I avoid core exercises? (Pregnancy + Postpartum)

No. Training your deep core muscles during pregnancy and postpartum can help improve core control, stability and help maintain the integrity of your fascia which connects your rectus abdominus (aka 6 pack muscles) together.
Core exercises during this season may not look like your traditional abdominal exercises (sit ups, v ups, russian twists, etc) but they’re core exercises nonetheless.
Here’s where you want to start:
1️⃣Diaphragmatic breathing, this helps connect to all the muscles that make up your core (TVA, pelvic floor, diaphragm, multifidus) and gets them to synchronize.
2️⃣Once you have that down, you can move into more intentional breathing techniques such as the core breathing belly pump™️ or connection breath. This is diaphragmatic breathing with a little more intensity. Inhale, allow your belly/ribs to expand and the pelvic floor to relax. As you exhale, squeeze and lift the pelvic floor while going for a long audible exhale. This helps maximize the connection of the deep muscles. Tip: Remember that relaxing is just as important as contracting so don’t skip that part.
3️⃣Incorporate the breathing technique into other exercises, such as when you’re doing squats, pushups, lunges etc. Every exercise is a “core” exercise when proper breathing/muscle activation is involved. Check out this blog with core specific exercises that you can do during your pregnancy and postpartum season.
Need more help on connecting to these muscles? Book a one time virtual introductory session to get all of the basics down.